Medical Publications
- Medical management of a cardiac arrest
Cardio & Sport n° 3-March 2005
Congress, Lausanne; Switzerland -nov.04; 38-41
- Medical Emergency Response Plan for Sudden Cardiac Arrest(SCA) on a sports pitch
Heart & Sport Convention - Lille Dec. 2004
- Medical Management in Stadia - N.Gorodetzky. MD - International Congress, Lausanne; Switzerland -nov.04 ; 38-41
- Medical Organisation in Stadia (Newsletter European Stadium Management Association N° 2–2004)
- Health Model (Panstadia-2002)
- Sentinel monitoring of general community health, during the 1998 World Football Cup (Rev. Epide. et Santé Publ. 2001, 49,135-14)
- Medical Management in stadia during the 1998 World Cup (JEUR*, 1999)
- SAMU Centre15 medical coordination (Collection médecin d’urgence SAMU 1998, SFEM Editions)
- Health & safety management in stadia (JEUR*, 1994)
- Medical management of mega concerts (JEUR*, 1989)
- Medical management of a Rock Tour (La Revue des SAMU 1983)
* JEUR : Journal Européen d'Urgence et de Réanimation |